Open Postdoc Position
We are seeking a highly-motivated postdoctoral researcher to join the Pluth group to work on NIH and/or NSF-funded projects that use organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry, and chemical biology to develop chemical tools to investigate small reactive sulfur species in biology.
Applicants should have a strong record of accomplishment, good written and oral communication skills, and interest in learning new skills and techniques. Applicants with experience in bioorganic chemistry, chemical biology, and/or bioinorganic chemistry are particularly encouraged to apply.
To apply, email a single pdf document that includes: (1) cover letter; (2) current CV and the contact information for 3 references; and (3) a 2-3 page research summary to Prof. Pluth ( with the subject line “Pluth Lab Postdoc Application”. Applications will be reviewed as received. The position will remain open until filled.